Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day of clean hands at Khalbaev school

      "Improvement of hygiene and sanitary practices of children and creation of friendly and safe environment in selected school and prescool institutions of Osh oblast" was financed by UNICEF. In order to raise interest and stimulate participant institutions, we announced competition for taking video clip on hand cleaness. All schools have prepared their video clips and conducted evlations of their works. As a result, video clip made by Khalbaev shool was selected as the best one among all videos. Below you may watch the video clips made by this school, all of them are made in local languages, Kyrgyz and Russian:  

As chiefs of schools have noted, during process of shooting video clips students took active part and there were many students who expressed their interests in taking part in videos, in view of this fact they have announced competition among students. Some directors of schools involved children of dysfunctional families, after taking part in competition, teachers sensed tangible positive changes in behaviors of these children. As they stated, the competion has helped them at improving behaviors of children very much.  

One should note that, chiefs of Khalbaev school took competition very seriously and made very good, interesting and high quality video clips on clean hands. We epress our gratitude for their work at preparing these video clips at for help at realizing the project. As it is known, the shool has been hosting Japanese ambassador in 2013.